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Event Album: Tea Ceremony Workhop - June: 06/15/2013
Event Note

 No.2 Tea ceremony workshop
June 15, 2013, 1-3pm @Atsuko Shimojo's

Five members participated. The instructors, Atsuko and Yoko performed Arai Chakin  summer tea as the rest observed. This ceremony was originally created to offer guests a cool atmosphere during a hot summer. Arai Chakin literally means washing linen. Linen was soaked in a bowl filled with water, which is normally placed in an empty tea bowl. The tea server prepared linen before guest by squeezing water out to make a sound of water slipping. The guest and observers felt a cool breeze by listening to this sound. A thin tea was whisked in a glass bowl for the same purpose instead of usual ceramic bowl. It was very cool to watch.
After this presentation, the beginners had a lesson of Bon temae  Simple tea serving on a tray.
As always, Atsuko's homemade sweets were the highlight of the topic. She made beautiful light purple bean pastes look like Hydrangea  June flower. Japanese iris was placed near tea kettle. Every aspect in tea ceremony is nature related. It was wonderful!
 第2回茶道教室 6月15日、午後1時から3時まで、下條篤子さん宅にて 講師を加えて5人の参加となったお茶のワークショップでした。”夏”をテーマに洗い茶巾と呼ばれるお点前を松林洋子さんを正客に迎え、篤子さんが披露して下さいました。このお点前は夏に限るもので涼しさを表現するために茶巾が水を張った入れ物に入ってきます。薄茶もガラスの器でてられるなどお客様に涼しさを感じてもらうことを目的としたお点前です。 篤子さん手作りの和菓子は、6月の花でもある紫陽花をテーマに薄紫の寒天が菓子の上に花びらのように飾られていました。お花はあやめと、自然と季節を感ぜずにはいられない2時間でした。 
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