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Event Album: Calligraphy Workshop - July: 07/06/2013
Event Note

 In spite of the unusually hot and humid weather, we had nine (9) attendants at our 2nd Calligraphy Workshop held at the Adams's in Hopewell Jcn on 07/06/13. There was no specific theme given to write, but instead everyone came up with their own whatever he/she wanted to practice, and naturally all of them were related to Summer or weather. Oh wait, except one, who just moved, and he wrote "Hikkoshi (Moved or Moving)". I very much liked the idea practicing calligraphy to be a part of daily life. After all, however, dessert which was kindly prepared by Mrs. Adams as well as brought in by one of the attendants seemed having occupied everyone's mind, and they might already have forgotten what they learned today, but that is perfectly all right as long as everyone enjoyed the one-very-short-hour time together... I hope who didn't attend this time could find a time at the next workshop on 11/9. Doesn't matter if you've never done calligraphy before, I guarantee YOU WILL ENJOY IT!!!

Midori Shinye
Calligraphy Instructor
 No Japanese description provided. 
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