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Event Album: Holy Trinity School Visit: 10/24/2013
Event Note

 Enrichment program at Holy Trinity School, Poughkeepsie

October 24, 2103

Fourteen third grade students at Holy Trinity School in Poughkeepsie received our enrichment program consisting of calligraphy, origami, kamishibai-paper theater, and kimono wearing. It started with a simple description of where Japan is located in the world, and then everyone tried brush-ink writing in a quiet atmosphere. They wrote "a red leaf  Momiji" in Japanese and copied their names on rice papers. The students got excited with origami- jumping frogs as they competed in making their own frogs to jump farther. Another excitement was wearing Kimono. The girls and boys tried on Kimonos or happy coats, feeling a bit of being Japanese children. "Hanasaka Jiisan- The Old Man Who Made Trees Bloom" was the Kamishibai-paper theater piece.
 プキプシーのホーリートリニティ学校訪問 10月24日(木)

5人のボランティアたちがホーリートリニティスクールのユーコヴィック先生の3年生クラスの 14人に日本文化を紹介しました。恒例の日本列島が世界のどこに位置するかの説明に始まり、習字、折り紙、紙芝居、そして着物の試着で終了しました。


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