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Event Album: MHJCA Spring Gathering: 04/27/2013
Event Note

 Spring gathering
April 27, 2013, 12noon  3pm

At this time of fully blossoming Peach trees and forsythia, and all kinds of cherry trees began to bloom, our association held its spring gathering at Edo Sushi restaurant (MHJCA corporate member) on April 27. Thirty- three members and friends greeted each other by welcoming a new season of spring after a long winter. Origami Kabuto-samurai helmet and Koinobori-carp streamers were placed in the restaurant as Childrens Day-Tango-no-sekku, May 5 was approaching. A special display was set up of Origami animals, which were folded by a 16-year old boy from Kyoto. Everyone was amazed to see such complicated origami folding, such as dragons, peacock and so on. As a part of small fundraising effort for MHJCA, $26.50 was collected from the sale of some donated items.
Last updated 10/1/2022 Copyright 2006 - 2022  Mid Hudson Japanese Community Association. All rights reserved.
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