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Event Album: TANKA Workshop - 2: 06/28/2014
Event Note

 Tanka Workshop was held at the Mori's residence in Ellenville, with 10 participants this time. The theme for this summer workshop was ""Ashioto (sound of footsteps)"" or ""Ashiato (footprints)"" which was selected by a member in the last session. As this is the 5th year since the Tanka Workshop started, our regular members became more fluent yet characteristic in composing, and Tanka about ""Ashioto"" and/or ""Ashiato"" was presented by everyone without any trouble. It was rather relaxed and peaceful session while each member read their own Tanka in the printout booklet along with the Instructor Chikako-san's tensaku (modification). Chikako-san the Instructor once considered to adding practice with auxiliary verbs but that might make students too much focus on grammar. Instead she figured if one who is able to speak Japanese fluently should the appropriate grammar be used. So, she has decided it would be the next year's subject to consider. The other important part of Tanka Workshop is the ""after"" the session when everyone would enjoy exchanging information and deepen their friendship while munching treats brought in by members. This kind of special time is definitely necessary for everyone.

Chikako Mori
 短歌ワークショップ/夏   6月28日 夏の短歌ワークショップが参加者10名によって、エレンビルの森宅で開催されました。今年度は練習強化のため題詠を取り入れましたが、夏の題はメンバーの方から募った「足音」または「足跡」でした。いつものように参加者の自作短歌と千佳子インストラクターの添削がプリントされた冊子が配られ、それぞれが自分の短歌を詠み上げました。この短歌ワークショップも今年で5年目になり、すっかり個性的に作歌出来る様になったメンバー達は「足音」「足跡」の題詠も小気味良くこなし、余裕ある和やかなワークショップとなりました。インストラクターの感想としては、助動詞の練習を組み入れたいが、文法に気使うのも善し悪し、基本的に日本語を話せれば文法も良いはず、との事で来年の課題になるかもしれません。ワークショップ後は持ち寄りのスナックを楽しみながら、情報交換や交流を深めることが出来、この時間も又必要でしょう。 
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