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Event Album: 2014 MHJCA Annual Meeting: 12/14/2014
Event Note

 12/14/14 Year-end Gathering

We had completed the 2014 having fun together with 17 members and 1 guest at the "Bring-your-own" Luncheon following our Annual Meeting. This Gathering was not just for our members to have a chance see each other but also it was meant to show our appreciation to our members for their support. It was cozy and very family-like atmosphere. There you'd see some delicious looking Japanese lunch boxes brought in by very well-known excellent cook among our members. Some others went out to the Galleria's Food Hall and brought back some first food. Many had shared their food and that was the good part of it, just like they might have done during school days. After all, we are a big family in a small organization.

The table for Mini-markets was displayed with many different kinds of Chinas, videos and Japanese veggies etc for sale. The main attraction today was the "Do-it-yourself" Mini-workshop with tables for Tea, Flower arrangement, Calligraphy, Tanka and Origami. It was to show all our members what our cultural programs are like although many already have seen by being volunteers or having attended workshop during the past year. But we hoped everyone, especially the one who have never done before, could have a chance to try without feeling intimidated or shy. Since we found many enjoyed them very much, we may try again at the next gathering.

The most exciting part, however, was the finale with Quiz. It was so much fun even just to watch everyone eagerly participating by listening to the questions very carefully and answering enthusiastically. Some couldn't stop speaking out loud the answers, doesn't matter correct or wrong. Everyone was laughing, and it was the perfect way to end our 2014.

We thank our workshop instructors, Atsuko-san, Suzumi-san, Chikako-san, Honda-san and Midori-san, for their cooperation with their never-ending kind and unselfish attitude to have made our event successful. Proudly, we are delighted to announce that our organization will be able to continue these great cultural and social programs to our members and local communities because of you, our members. Thank you all for your warm and generous support!

Midori Shinye
for Board of Directors
 12月14日年末の集い MHJCAの2014年は年末総会の後17名のメンバーと1名のゲストで「持ち込みランチ」を楽しみながら終わりを迎えました。この集いは会員の方々に他のメンバーに会えるチャンスを作ってさしあげる目的だけではなく、会をサポートして頂いたお礼として企画したものです。今回は人数が少なかったのでこじんまりとしたものでしたが、いつもの料理好きなメンバーが美味しそうな日本風弁当ボックスを持ってきたり、中にはギャラリアのフードホールで買ってきた人もいたし、皆さん食べ物を交換したりして家族的な雰囲気を楽しみました。 ミニマーケットのテーブルには沢山の食器・ビデオとか日本野菜が売り出されていました。今日の主体は「自分でやろうミニワークショップ」です。茶道・華道・書道・短歌・折り紙のテーブルは会員の皆さんにMHJCAのカルチャープログラムというのはどんなものかを改めて紹介する意味もあります。中にはボランティアをした人または会員用のワークショップに参加した人がいましたが、特に今まで一度も経験したことのない方に気軽にトライして頂けることを期待しました。結果は皆さんに随分楽しんで頂いたようなのでぜひまた次回の集いの時にやりたいと思います。 しかし今日の一番の盛り上がりは最後にやったクイズです。最高に面白かったのは皆さんが一生懸命耳を傾けて質問を聞いて張り切って答えを出している姿です。中には正しかろうが間違っていようがどうしても大きな声で答えを言ってしまう人もいましたし...。皆でいっしょに大笑いして年の暮れを迎えられたのは本当にすばらしいことです。 今年最後の最後までこの集いを成功させる為に快く協力して下さったインストラクターの篤子さん、スズミさん、千佳子さん、本多さん、本当に有難うございました。また会員の方々のサポートがあってこそ改めて来年もMHJCAを続けることが出来ます。役員を代表してこの一年間ご支援頂いた皆様に心から御礼を申し上げます。 新江 緑 会長 2014年度MHJCA 役員代表 
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