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Event Album: Calligraphy Workshop (2): 02/08/2014
Event Note

 Calligraphy Workshop (2)

The good thing about having a small group when you practice something is that the instructor can pay more attention to each students. And, that was exactly that today. At the last workshop, I'd given Kanji spelling quiz to students and ended up with embarrassing myself for not remembering the correct spelling and I was helped by some students. So determining not to make a same mistake again I'd given them simple subject this time - write whatever they want. One brought an old Kanji book, probably older than me by looking at the ancient style Kanji most of which are no longer used in the 21 centuries Japan. So of course she wants me to show her how to write "exactly" written there. Since I love challenging, I'd tried, then tried several more times. At last I had to tell her there must be a reason why those Kanji are no longer used in these days, and that is because no one can figure out how to write them! Well, I know she will bring that precious book again at the next workshop, and I wonder what will be my next excuse... Anyway, I had plenty of time spending on each students, and the result was remarkable - everyone showed much improvement on writing. Whoever hasn't yet got a chance to attend, I hope, could make it at the next workshop on 07/13 (Sun) 1pm-2:15pm at the same place, Galleria Community Room. See you next time.

Midori Shinye
 No Japanese description provided. 
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