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Event Album: TANKA Workshop -1: 03/22/2014
Event Note

 Tanka Workshop of 03/22/14
There were 10 people attended to our Spring Tanka Workshop at the Mori's in Ellenville. The instructor, Chikako-san, has announced that this year it will be a theme assigned at each workshop, so called "Daiei", and all will focus on practicing to write Tanka with the same theme.
So today's Daiei was "Nagare: the images more like a stream, current or floating, not washing or running", and it could be played with (or described by) different phrase such as "Nagare-ru, Nagaru-ru or Naga-ru". All are assigned to come up with 2 Tanka poems. As always, each poems are gathered in a little booklet along with Chikako-san's TEMSALKU(Correction in Japanese) and copies are handed out to the participants to read out own Tanka. Then Chikako-san gives them her advice or direction along with other participant's critics - good and bad. At the end, having a Daiei, the theme, was a great idea as it seemed having increased participant's interest in making Tanka. The 2 hours workshop had passed so quickly which ended with favorite snack-time with Chikako-san's mind-blowing delicacies. Yes, the harder worked, the better deserved, and everyone was very happy after all.
The next Daiei is "Ashiato: foot prints"  not like a picture of dirty foot prints on the kitchen floor but it is the image about legacy, your past or memories.
 短歌ワークショップ/春 3月22日(1:30〜3:30) 春の短歌ワークショップが森宅で開催され、10人が参加しました。2014年度は毎回“題”を決め、題詠とし、短歌のさらなる練習に励む事となりました。今回の題は“ながれ”となり、“流れる、流るる、存る(なが)”等の語を取り入れた短歌を2首以上作歌すると言う課題の元に、参加者は各自の作を披露しました。いつもの様に各自の短歌と千佳子さんによる添削がコピーされた短歌冊子が配られると、参加者はそれぞれの歌を詠み上げて千佳子さんの提案を受けたり、皆の感想を述べたりし合いました。今回試みた“題詠”は参加者の短歌への気概をさらに盛り上げた様で、2時間はすぐにたってしまい、次回の題を参加者によって“あしあと”と決められ、ワークショップは終了。その後はスナック・タイムとなり、楽しみつつそれぞれの情報交換等で交流を深める事ができました。 
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