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Event Album: Tea Ceremony Demo - Marist College: 04/16/2014
Event Note

 Marist college is situated at the slope of Poughkeepsie, facing the Hudson River. It's been a familiar
face of academic campuses in the Mid-Hudson River community. In recent years, it has attracted more
students from overseas, especially from India and China. Weon Yuan is a sophomore from the state of
Hawaii, and president of the Asian Student Alliance of Marist College.

After participating for the first time in 2013, MHJCA was asked again to participate in this year's Multi-culture Program hosted by the Asian Student Alliance, by presenting a Japanese Tea Ceremony. Eight members of MHJCA generously offered their time to volunteer for this program.

On a chilly evening of April 16, 2014, Midori Shinye, Yoko Matsubayashi, Atsuko Shimojo, Chikako Mori, Suzumi Adams, Saburo Yamato, Wayne Adams, and Masashi Miyake gathered in a class room. All of the MHJCA volunteers showed amazing team work despite having a short preparation period. Setting up a stage, flowers, kakejiku, and the hot water pot, the back stage serving area was neatly done in half an hour.

Mr. Yuan opened the evening's event with approximately 20 students gathered at the room, followed by a
greeting from Midori Shinye, Chair of MHJCA. Throughout the evening, Yoko Matsubayashi, who is a
certified teacher of the Ura Senke Tea School, served as the host.
A brief introduction explaining the manner of attending a tea ceremony, the meaning of having sweets
before tea, and receiving/returning the tea bowl, was made to the participating students.

In addition to participating as kyaku (guest), we invited students to make their own tea to experience being a host. Students enjoyed learning how to use hishaku (ladle), chakin (wiping cloth), chasaku (tea spoon), natsume (tea caddy), and chasen (whisk). Despite it being their first experience, and the hard wrist movement, everyone enjoyed making fine bubbles of green tea in a bowl. They were pleased with the taste of the tea, as well.

The two hours long program concluded around 8:30 p.m., after a session of many serious and interesting questions. Students were eager to learn the history, manner, and local source of tea supplies.

I am sure this Marist Student tradition will be carried into the next year.

Report by Masashi Miyake
 マリスト大学は プーキプシのハドソン川に面した畔にある、馴染みのキャンパスです。 近年,益々海外からの生徒が増え、特にインド、中国からの留学生が目立ちます。 ユン ウエオン氏はハワイ州出身の二年生。マリスト大学アジア学生連合のプレジデント を担っております。MHJCAは再び、この学生連合主催の多文化展での茶道の紹介を依頼されました。 春とはいえ寒さが肌にしみる四月十六日の夜、新江 緑、柗林 洋子、下條 篤子、森 千桂子、アダムス すずみ、 大和 三郎、 Wayne Adams, 三宅 正嗣のMHJCAの8名のボランティアが 限られた時間のなか、てきぱきとMHJCA定番のセットアップをこなしました。 ユン氏のオープニング、新江MHJCA会長の挨拶のあと、裏千家のお免状をもたれる、柗林 洋子氏 によるお点前が始まり、参加した学生が簡単な説明を受けた後お客の体験をしました。 今回は、客としての体験のほか、柄杓、茶巾、茶杓、棗、茶筅を実際に手にしてもらい自分でお茶をたて、味わうという試みもしてもらいました。 二時間にわたるイベントを終え、学生の興味ある質問に何とか答える事ができました。また、MHJCA会員の セリーナさんがおられる、プーキプシーのお茶屋さん“Tea Talk” に茶道具、抹茶があることを紹介 しました。 来年も参加できるのを楽しみにイベントを終えました。 三宅 正嗣 報告 
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