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Event Album: KIMONO KITSUKE Workshop: 06/13/2015
Event Note

 Our 2nd Kitsuke Workshop was held at the Poughkeepsie Galleria Community Room in response to the last participant's request. Initially it was meant for us to review what we had learned last time in February however due to the different season I had talked mainly about the Summer attire called "Hitoe" - Kimono in single layer. All the participants were again extremely focused and listened to my instruction very carefully, and I had seen the improvement. Kitsuke is not so complicated or difficult but it may take time to remember all the steps in order to get to the desired completion. Once mastered, however, it would no longer so much trouble when wearing Kimono. Just like a saying, "Better get used to it than try to learn", by creating more occasion for you to wear Kimono you'd be able to feel more comfortable and easy on Kitsuke. I am hoping that there will be more event organized by MHJCA when would be suitable for us to wear Kimono. I'll be more than happy to have another Kitsuke should members desire Workshop No. 3.

Chikako Mori
Kitsuke Workshop Instructor
(Translated by Midori Shinye)
 着付けワークショップ  6月13日(土) 第2回の着付けワークショップがパキプシーのコミュニティ・ルームで開催されました。2月に開催された第1回目のワークショップの参加者からの希望のより再度のチャンスとなりましたが、今回は6月なので単衣の夏物が主となりましたが、前回同様に参加者達は熱心に取り組まれて、それなりの成果を上げた様でした。着付けは複雑ではありませんが、手順が多くあり完成までにそれなりの時間がかかりますが一度覚えてしまえば、余裕を持って着付けられるようになります。諺どうり「習うより慣れろ」ですので、皆さんが自分なりに着物を着るチャンスを度々作る事でよりスムーズに着こなせる様になるでしょう。MHJCAでも着物を着て参加できるイベントを計画される事を望みます。また要望があれば第3回も開催したいと思います。 森 千佳子 着付けワークショップインストラクター 
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