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Event Album: Tea Ceremony Workshop : 08/29/2015
Event Note

 The last Tea Workshop was held at Galleria Community Room but I've brought it back to my Woodstock home this time because no members from Poughkeepsie area reserved and so we could use the appropriate table set for a practice.

Today with 2 members attended, we had studied Ryu-rei-style, a casual form used a table and chair, by following a text book exclusively written for formal Ryu-rei. I was hoping to have the table (which I was lucky enough to find portable one with perfect height) with a black coated top (because that looks much more sophisticated just like the book) but unfortunately I didn't have enough time to get it, so I used white tablecloth to cover it this time. I will have it ready by the next workshop.

Because there are many people who have a trouble sitting on knees due to leg or back aches, I think Ryu-rei-style Tea Ceremony would become more popular in the future.

Today's Matcha-tea was "Goun-no-shiro" packed by Kanbayashi, and Chagashi (Tea Dessert) was "Kimi-Shigure".

Atsuko Shimojo
Tea Workshop Instructor

(translated by Midori Shinye)
 8月29日(土)に2度目のTea Workshopをいたしました。 前回、場所をポケプシーのギャラリアモール内に移しましたが、 相変わらず参加者が少なく、今回は又ウッドストックに戻しました。 今回は立礼(りゅうれい)の練習をしようと、参加者2名と本を見ながらの 稽古でした。黒塗りの敷板を用意しようと思いましたが間に合わず、 テーブルクロスを使用いたしましたが、次回までには整えたいと思います。 最近は本来の座っての茶道が足腰の痛みで出来ない人も増え、今後は 立礼の茶道も増えると思います。 今回のお抹茶は上林(かんばやし)の五雲の白(ごうんのしろ), お菓子は黄身しぐれです。 下條篤子 茶道ワークショップインストラクター 
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