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Event Album: Tea Ceremony - NODATE originally planned.: 10/18/2015
Event Note

 This is when we have an opportunity to present what we have so far practiced on Tea Ceremony. Nodate literary means making tea outside, usually when flowers are fully blossomed or fall leaves are in full color. Flowers, however, cannot be any kind but preferred something symbolic in Japanese old paintings or poems (Haiku). Unfortunately, the weather today wasn't favorable as it was too chilly to be outside though pretty. So, again, we had it inside with Kasa-umbrella in order to create the atmosphere. Through the exterior windows covered with glass from floor to the ceiling, you could see a beautiful Japanese Maple tree of the Mori's top-on-the-hill residence which would help you imagine as if you were in a country of Japan.

Guests were served with Matcha tea with Atsuko-san's original Wagashi "Ichimatsu". Our young member, Naila-san, in her first time Kimono challenged to making tea who found the precisely choreographed forms were somewhat confusing. No wonder many spends years for practicing. But once understood the movements, space and lines, besides the meaning of each form, it'd become natural and make sense why old Japanese had created such complicated ways to make just a cup of tea. Then, you would certainly be able to enjoy the spiritual effect.

Tea Ceremony was followed by Potluck with so many variety of food and mini-market with lots of interesting items brought by the participants. Atsuko-san made a birthday cake for Chikako-san which was absolutely delicious. Thanks to Chikako-san and Toyoo-san for having offered their wonderful house for today's special event. Also thanks to Atsuko-san and Miyake-san for bringing tons of tea utensils. And, thanks to all the members and their guests who came to today's Nodate. We sincerely hope we could continue this wonderful event in the future.

Midori Shinye
 10月18日野点 今日は今まで練習してきた茶道お手前の成果をお見せ出来る良い機会です。野点は正しく字の通り外でお茶を点てることですが、普通花が満開の時とか秋の紅葉が一番きれいな時に行われます。しかし花は何でも良いわけではなく、日本画とか俳句とかに描かれているものが好まれます。今日は残念ながら寒かった為に天候は好ましくありませんでしたので、昨年と同様屋内で雰囲気を作って行われました。しかし窓から見えるもみじの木を見ているとまるで日本の田舎にいるような錯覚をおこします。 篤子さん手作りの茶菓子「市松」の後参加者の方々に抹茶をお出ししました。若いメンバーのナイラさんが初めて着物を着てお手前に挑戦しましたがことごとく細かいところまで決められた作法がなかなか難しかったようです。其れゆえに沢山の方々が長年修行を続けていらっしゃるのだと納得がいきます。しかし一度その動き、空間それから流れとそれぞれのお作法の意味が分かってくれば体に自然と身についてなぜ昔の日本人がたった一服のお茶を頂くためにこのような複雑な作法を作り出したのかが理解できると思います。そうすれば間違いなく精神的な効果も楽しんで頂けるはずです。 野点の後は沢山の食べ物を持ち寄ったポットラックとなかなか興味深い品が揃ったミニマーケットが開催されました。篤子さんが千佳子さんの為に大変美味しいバースデーケーキを用意しました。この様なスペシャルイベントの為に自宅を会場として提供して下さった千佳子さんと東洋夫さんに大変感謝致します。それから沢山の茶道具を運んできて頂いた篤子さんと三宅さんにも心から感謝致します。今日の野点に参加頂いたメンバーとゲストの方々、有難うございました。ぜひ今後もこのすばらしいイベントを続けていきたいと望みます。 新江 緑 会長 
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