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Event Album: TANKA Workshop #3 (Fall): 11/21/2015
Event Note

 In November when the fallen leaves just about started to prelude the beginning of winter, Tanka Fall Workshop was held at the Instructor Mori's residence. Today's assignment was exercising "Wo" as an auxiliary. It was said without adopting "Te", "Ni", "Wo" or "Ha" you could not compose a beautiful Japanese phrase. Because once those auxiliary correctly used, it'd significantly change the entire Tanka. I encouraged participants to review their past work to see how it'd affect them although they may not find any errors in the grammar. As usual, participants submitted Tanka poems in advance which were printed after corrected (Tensoku) by the instructor and read by each participant during workshop. Participants seemed enjoying discovering the 'Wo" did magical trick from the lecture as well as learning from the Tensoku. During the entire 2 hours workshop, all the 12 participants had a great fun as there were lots of laughter while listening to the critics, and it was absolutely wonderful time all had shared. It was my honor to hear all participants were willing to continue Tanka Workshop in 2016, and that would be the 6th year. I look forward to another happy and successful year.
Chikako Mori
Tanka Workshop Instructor
 短歌ワークショップ 秋  鮮やかだった紅葉も冬へのプレリュードとなり始めた11月、秋の短歌ワークショップがインストラクターの森宅で開催されました。今回の課題は助詞「を」の活用です。日本語では助詞、特に「てにをは」をおろそかにしては美しい日本語とならないとも言われ、適切なところを得た助詞使いは短歌全体に多大な影響を与えますから、文法的な間違いは無くとも今一度自作の短歌を推敲する事で、その活用を学びました。毎回の如く事前に投稿された各人の自作短歌をインストラクターが添削したプリント冊子が配られ、それぞれの朗詠でワークショップは進行。講義や添削で指摘されたり、参加者は魔法使いの様な「を」の活用を愉しく修得された様です。12人がそれぞれの評価に耳を傾けた2時間ビッシリのワークショップも笑いが絶えず、貴重な時間をシェアーできました。全員一致で来年も短歌ワークショップを継続と採決され、インストラクターにとっては、その情熱に感謝と共に6年目への抱負が膨らみました。2016年度も愉しく学びましょう! 短歌インストラクター 森 千佳子 
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