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Event Album: Calligraphy Workshop (1): 01/11/2015
Event Note

 Kakizome, the first writing of a year, is indeed a wonderful way to start the year 2015 so I've decided to call our first Calligraphy Workshop just that. But naming it doesn't automatically make it special so I'd brought some long-size Shoji paper (not Shuji, the calligraphy, but a type of Washi rice paper traditionally used for interior sliding doors or windows in Japan) to feel a little closer to authentic Kakizome.

Thanks to my friend in Japan who sent me rolls of Shoji paper from a little town in Kochi prefecture where, accordingly, the entire town is famous of manufacturing Washi papers in traditional ways for generations. The Hanshi papers used for calligraphy are also made of rice paper but the one we are regularly using are from mass production, and you'd delightfully find a significant and surprising difference at the first touch with your brush on those hand-made Washi, though Shoji papers are not originally made for calligraphy writing. It's hard to explain but there is something so Wabi-sabi-ish feeling in the subtleties from the scratchiness of the surface as well as the way sumi-ink submerged into those rather rough papers which would create different tones of grayness making characters somewhat look more primitive, dramatic or even romantic.

As a perfect day to celebrate together, we had a record number of 13 members participated at our Kakizome today. Although the time we had was only 1.5hrs and the tools were unfortunately a little short due to surprising numbers of unexpected walk-ins, we had managed to finish with, as always, laughter and satisfied faces. I am already thinking about the next year's Kakizome with which I'd like it be more challenging by writing on the longer-size Washi paper with bigger letter by futo-fude, huge Japanese calligraphy brush specially made for large scale works, hopefully if I could find one. After all, the bigger dream is the better, so is the papers and the brush. And, so is our Hope for a New Year!

Calligraphy Instructor

Midori Shinye

PS. Our next Calligraphy Workshop will be Sunday, 5/17, 1:15pm-2:45pm followed by Tea Workshop 3pm-4:30pm.
 1月11日習字ワークショップ 書初めというのは確かに2015年をスタートするのには適切だと思いましてこの第一回目の習字ワークショップをそう呼ぶことにしました。と言っても名前を付けたからと言って特別にはならないので、少しでも書初めらしい雰囲気にする為に元々は習字用ではありませんが、長めにカットした障子紙を使ってみました。この障子紙は高知県の知り合いが数束送ってくれたもので、聞く所によるとその地域では昔から手作りの和紙を名産として生産しているそうです。習字用の半紙も和紙ではありますが、私達が普段使っているものはあくまでも機械で大量生産したものですから、間違いなく筆を下ろした瞬間に驚くほどの違いがわかります。説明するのは難しいのですが、この和紙のザラザラした感じといい墨が紙ににじんでいく感覚といい、和紙に書いた字というものは何ともいえない情緒的なものがあると思います。
新江 緑
PS. 次回のワークショップは5月17日1時15分~2時45分、その後お茶ワークショップが3時から4時半まであります。
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