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Event Album: TANKA WORKSHOP - (1): 04/04/2015
Event Note

 Tanka Workshop Spring 2015

It was held at the Mori's on April 4, making the 5th year of our Tanka
Workshop since first started. There were 9 people participated this time,
all of who have already established own style and found writing Tanka is so
much enjoyable while still learning hard.

This year's goal is to study easy grammar and adapt them to compose phrase.
At the Spring Workshop we challenged to write, by using "Ka" or "Ya", about
something "unknown/wonder" one may have questions in our daily life, society
or else. By doing so, it would help you recognize what you want to know;
what you didn't know. The older you get, the more you experienced thus the
better you know, the less you questioned about things. But finding something
you didn't know, then you want to know, is the first step to fulfill your
mind-space as well as to help your brain and mind more active thus open your
perspective. In order for you to come up with a question about something,
anything, you'd need to "see" the object or matter carefully, and that is the
very basic of Tanka. It is no doubt that everyone felt pure satisfaction
after reading own-original Tanka in print in today's workshop.

Midori for Chikako Mori, Tanka instructor
 短歌ワークショップ/春 2015 今年度で5年目を迎えた短歌ワークショップが4月4日、インストラクターの森 宅で開催されました。今回の参加者は9名、皆すでに自分流の短歌を収得してい るので、苦しみ(?)ながらも楽しく詠い続けています。今年の課題は簡単な文 法に触れつつそれを駆使しながらの短歌作成に挑みます。春のワークショップで は、助詞や終助詞の「か」「や」を使い疑問の数々を詠い上げました。日常のさ さやかな疑問、社会への疑問、不思議への疑問等どんな疑問でも一首に成ると明 確に自立してきます。成熟と共に経験は豊かに、知識も豊富になり疑問を持つチ ャンスも少なくなって来ますが、疑問を持つ事は自分の中の空間を満たす事でも あり、悩や感情を活性化し且つ視野をも広げてくれます。疑問を持つ為には物、 事を良く視る事でありこれは短歌の基本でもあるのです。投稿/添削されプリン トとなった自作の短歌を明るく詠い上げながら、皆さん今回もワークショップを 堪能されたようでした。 森 千佳子 短歌インストラクター 
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