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Event Album: Spring Gathering – “Satsuki Luncheon” : 05/07/2016
Event Note

 5/7/16 Spring Gathering – “Satsuki Luncheon”
It was one of those days you could feel refresh-ness in the air, and that was when we held our annual luncheon at Gasho Restaurant located in Central Valley. There is an interesting history about the Gasho: Accordingly, the structure was made out of the over one hundred years old farm house originally built in Hida-region of Japan which was transported to this Central Valley of upstate New York in the 1970’s and reconstructed, which eventually became a restaurant. The symbolic structure is called “Gasho-style” as the way roofs are formed reminding of hands during “gasho (the form both palms were clasped together when praying)”, and the beautiful steep angle roofing style which is typical in the heavy-snow area is now designated one of the cultural treasures in Japan.
Since we haven’t lunch out a while for our gathering, all of the 25 participants had a great time in talking and eating together while entertained by the Hibachi-chef’s cooking performance. Everyone had fun as well at raffles with surprises during dessert time. The planning this wonderful event was volunteered by Chikako-san who also donated 6 beautiful Mother’s Day flower arrangement. Who lucky enough to buy the baskets were all enthusiastically happy. We would like to thank to all, especially Chikako-san, as the sale from the flowers, $48, was donated to MHJCA.
The Gasho’s Japanese garden was filled with pleasant May weather, and we took advantage by walking around and taking photos. It was our privilege to have the opportunity to organize such a special reunion for members. Thank you.
Board of Directors
(original article written by Chikako Mori)
 五月ランチョン 外気も爽やかさを増し始めた5月7日、恒例のランチョンがセントラル・バレーにある火鉢レストラン「合掌」で開催されました。この「合掌」レストランは日本の飛騨地方で建てられた後百年以上経たオリジナル農家を解体し、1970年代にニューヨーク州セントラル・バレーに輸送して再度構築、レストランへとオープンされた由緒ある建築です。現在日本では重要文化財に指定されている合掌建築はその屋根の形態が手を合わせ祈る形(合掌)に似ている事から呼称される様になった雪深い地方特有の美しい傾斜を持っています。MHJCAとしては久方のランチ・アウトでしたので25人の参加者達は、火鉢シェフのパフォーマンスを楽しみつつ会話と食におおいに盛り上がりました。デザート・タイムにはラッフルの抽選発表があり全員に賞品が配られ、思いがけない品々に爆笑が花開いていました。またランチ・アウトをボランテイアで企画担当された森千佳子さんから、「母の日」へのフラワー・アレンジメント6個が展示即売され、購買された方達はとても嬉しそうで、MHJCAに寄付された売上金$48の援助となり、ありがとうございました。食後は端整な日本庭園をそれぞれが散策したり、写真を撮り合ったりと5月を満喫しつつ再会を期しました。その後、またこの様な企画をとのメイルしきり、担当者達にとって何よりものプレゼントとなりました事を付記しておきます。 MHJCA役員一同 (原稿森千佳子書) 
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