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Event Album: Spirit of Beacon Day - River Festival: 09/25/2016
Event Note

 09/25/16 Beacon Festival - “One River, Many Streams Folk Festival”
People loves festival, especially the one you see many interesting food. Come to think of it, however, there is no hotdogs stand or Shish Kebab at the Beacon Festival (not around where we were if any). Because, it is to celebrate Mid-Hudson Valley Folk and Traditional Arts, and in spite of no festival food local people loves it. This year we brought Origami table again. What is good about Origami program is that it’s not just for kids but entire family could join as well. Usually, however, parents would first decline when we suggest them to do together with their kids. But what happens next is very much standard - When they saw kids struggling to follow, parents would try to help kids but many found themselves become obsessed with it and eventually would take over the entire thing while their kids were enviously watching their parents seriously focused on a little Origami paper, completely forgotten about kids. When parents finally accomplished making an Origami, they had a look of true satisfaction while kids looked not so quite. But at least we were making someone happy so we usually let it be the way it turned out. But many other times, kids and parents enjoyed it together as a happy family. When parents finished it after an effort, I wonder if they realized, their faces were lit up with proud as bright as their kids. It was a pure joy in there. That was when we, volunteers, found it as another way to enjoy community festival like One River, Many Streams Folk Festival. It was certainly the very time to find “Spirit of Beacon”, the symbolic title of this special event.

The Beacon Festival is a Arts Mid-Hudson’s Folk Arts Program in which we along with other ethnic groups of Ukrainian, Chinese, Indian, Mexican and many others present our folk arts. We’d like to express our sincere thanks to Elinor Levy, the Folk Arts Program Manager, and Linda Marston-Reid, Executive Director, and Arts Mid-Hudson for continuing this wonderful program.

Midori Shinye
Team Leader
 9月25日Beacon祭 – “One River, Many Streamsフォークフェスティバル” 皆誰もがお祭りが大好きで特に珍しい食べ物があればなおさらです。そう言えばBeacon祭ではホットト゛ッグ屋台もシシカバブも見当たりません。少なくとも私達がいた所にはなかったですね。なぜならこの祭りは元々Mid-Hudson Valley地域の民族と伝統的芸を祝う目的で開催されたものなので、しかしお祭り独特の食べ物がなくても地域の住人は大変気に入っています。我が会からはまた今年も折り紙テーブルを出しました。折り紙プログラムの良い所は、子供だけでなく家族がいっしょになって楽しめることです。ただし普通親御さん達は私達が子供さんといっしょにやりませんかと勧めても最初は断る人が多いです。そこでいつもどういうことが起こるかと言うと、子供達がなかなかついていけないのを見ると親御さんは手伝ってあげようとします。ところがそのうち親の方がのめり込んでしまって子供達がその間うらやましそうに見ている中子供のことはすっかり忘れて全部最後まで自分でやってしまいます。ようやく折り紙が出来上がった時には子供達はそうでもない様子ですが親御さんの方は大変満足顔です。まあ誰かが楽しんでくれるんだからということで私達は普通その様な現象をいつもだまって見ています。しかし、もちろん中にはいっしょになって楽しむ家族もいます。ところで、親御さんが一生懸命頑張った後折り紙を仕上げた時の顔が子供の様にものすごく誇りたっぷりに明るく輝いていることに気づいているのでしょうか? そこには真の喜びが見られます。その瞬間、私達ボランティアがこのOne River, Many Streamsフォークフェスティバルという地域のお祭りを別の形で楽しめるということに気づくのです。正しくそれがこのお祭りの象徴的タイトルである「Beaconの心」を見つけられる時です。 この恒例のお祭りはArts Mid-HudsonのフォークアートプログラムのひとつでMHJCAはユクレーニア・中国・インド・メキシコ等他民族グループ共に各自のフォークアートを提供しています。この様なすばらしいプログラムを続行して頂いたフォークアートプログラムマネージャーのエリノア・レウ゛ィさん、エグゼクティブダイレクターのリンダ・マーストン­-レイドさんとArts Mid-Hudsonに心から感謝致します。 チームリーダー 新江 緑 
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