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Event Album: TANKA Workshop: 11/12/2016
Event Note

 Tanka Workshop No. 3
It was one of those days when the peak of brightest color on the red autumn leaves were gone and the prelude of early winter was heard in the air, and with nostalgic emotions people got together for our Tanka Workshop. The composition included, though without losing its originality, something symbolizing Autumn, such as “sun setting”, “falling leaves”, “red maples” and “moon”. There was one Tanka poem which everyone was very moved, and it was about an aging mother whom the composer herself was having a difficulty in understanding and dealing with, and it was filled with her sadness and pain. The feeling might be shared by the others. By writing Tanka it helps you to look deep into own heart and listen to its pure thoughts and feelings, then to be able to understand yourself. It was such an amazing thing to see that everyone would express own emotions, not showing ages while sounding pretty young , then a laughter would rise frequently among us. There were 3 new attendants included at today’s workshop, and that also had helped everyone’s enthusiasm. One of the new comers was a gentleman from Manhattan filled with experience and strong character, who had become our member just because he wanted to participate our Tanka Workshop. His characteristic and beautiful writing seemed influenced and empowered the others. At the end of the workshop, we discussed about the next year’s schedule as well as the location we had considered it may need to change. I am pleased that we’ve all agreed to continue our workshop as is. I’d like to thank to everyone for giving me the opportunity to enjoy Tanka together throughout a year. It’ll be “Rooster” in zodiac calendar next year. Just like a chicken picking and poking everywhere and flapping wings joyfully, I’m hoping while we may be cautious on things we would enjoy freedom in life, together in 2017. Looking forward to seeing you all.

Chikako Mori
Tanka Instructor
(translated by ms)
 短歌ワークショップ/秋 紅葉の盛りも過ぎ、冬へのプレリュードが穏やかに奏でられ始めた11月 12日、それぞれの感慨を胸に短歌ワークショップへの参加者達が、インストラクターの森宅に集まりました。今年の課題である“比喩”を駆使した秋を愛でる歌には、「夕陽」「枯れ葉、落ち葉」「紅葉」「月」などを個々のオリジナリティは失わずに秋の風情として美しく詠まれていました。特に皆が感動したのは、年老いた母親の理解に苦しむ行動に作歌自身の哀しみや苦しみを詠んだ歌で、それぞれの胸にも去来する事があり共鳴できたのでしょう。短歌という定型詩にすると、自分の内面や思考をシンプルにしかも深く探求でき、ある意味では自身のスタンスを明確に納得できるチャンスを生み出せます。もちろん感動の所作ですから心身ともに溌剌となりますので、参加者の皆さんは年齢などなんのそのとても若々しく、柔軟でいつも笑いが絶えません。素晴らしいことです! 今回は3人もの新人が加わって下さり、さらに盛況を極めました。新人の1人はマンハッタンからの男性で年期と個性に秀でた頼もしい方、短歌ワークショップへの参加希望の為にMHJCAのメンバーへとなって下さいました。彼の個性ある美しい旋律の歌に、皆さんはそれぞれに影響された様で、さらなる活性力となったのではと楽しみです。ワークショップの最後には来年も継続するか、日時と場所の変更が必要か等を話し合い、2017年度の短歌ワークショップも今年と変わらず継続することに決定し、嬉しい限りです!! 皆さん今年もいろいろ楽しませて頂きありがとうございました、来る年も“鶏”にちなんでコツコツと細部にも気をつけながらおおらかに、御一緒に羽ばたいて行きましょう、よろしくどうぞ!!! 短歌ワークショップ/インストラクター 森 千佳子 
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