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Event Album: TANKA Workshop #2: 07/15/2017
Event Note

 The workshop was held again at the Mori's residence. The subject assigned for the Summer Workshop was "Water", for which all the participants are to come up with minimum of 2 and up to 8 compositions including free style. Each work were first emailed to the instructor prior to the workshop who reviewed and did Tensaku (making correction or re-arrangement) then printed them for a booklet. At the workshop, everyone read out own Tanka poem for analysis or opinions from others.
Water is not only the most important necessity in our living but also one of the significant images of "Summer" season. It seems all the participants were strongly inspired by the subject as it resulted with many interesting pieces brought in. Having a new face, Lily-san, also had added more color to the today's workshop. She has been studying Japanese language for 3 years, and now that she found interest in Tanka she had come joined us, accompanied by her younger brother. When composed a Tanka in English it usually loses Tanka's characteristic lyric, and as a result it may turn into a completely different impression. Since she seems enjoyed today's workshop, I am hoping she would one day be able to compose Tanka in Japanese.
During tea time, all of us had enjoyed conversation between a teenager and elderly members nevertheless the age difference, and it became a quite interesting workshop with higher spirits after all.

Chikako Mori
Tanka Instructor
(Translated by ms)
 仲夏の候7月15日に短歌ワークショップがインス トラクターの千佳子宅で開催されました。今年は題 詠を課題としてスタートしましたが、夏のワーク ショップでは「水/みず」の題で2首以上、自由詠 との合計8首までが投稿対象でした。参加者は前 もってメイル投稿し、インストラクターがそれらを 添削し、冊子としてプリントされた歌を例会の如く 各々が詠み上げつつワークショップが進行されまし た。水は生活に密着していると共に夏の風情ですの で、皆さんの歌心を刺激されたと思われ、より沢山 の興味深い短歌が集まりました。今回はゲストとし てLily Margaritaさんが参加して下さりワークショップ も盛り上がりました。彼女は日本語を3年間学びつ つ短歌ワークショップに興味を持ち弟さんと来会、 とても楽しんだ様で次回もゼヒ参加したいとの事。 短歌を英語で詠むと短歌の叙情性が失われまったく 異なった歌になり易いので、彼女にも日本語で短歌 を詠んで下さるのを期待しています。ティ・タイム にはティーンのLilyさんとシニアの参加者達との ジェネレーション・ギャップを越えた楽しい交流が 深まり、それぞれがその余韻を心に残しワーク ショップを終了。いつになく活気溢れる会でした。 
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