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Event Album: Calligraphy Workshop #2: 03/31/2019
Event Note

 The word in the photo is pronounced as “kunpoo-ji-nanrai”, and it means “the wind from south is carrying the scent of new leaves” as directly translated. The quote is often written on a Kakejiku (hanging scroll) for tea ceremony. When took a look at one written by a monk, Ikkyu-Zenshi, I found the first character “Kun” (scent) was written large and strong followed by very light and delicate “Ji” (self) in the middle, then finished with “Nan” (south) and “Rai” (coming) as powerful as the first one. The Kanji such as “Kun” and “Poo” (wind) are the significant characters with which, just by looking at them, would give you the strong impression of the season written in the phrase. So naturally, a Kakejiku with the letter may be seen in tea room early May or so.

While we are still waiting for spring, too soon to be able to feel wind from south, 6 members came to our Calligraphy Workshop #2 at the Poughkeepsie Galleria community room today. All practiced self-selected letters/characters as always. It may be a good idea that we’d choose one or two phrase for everyone to write at the next workshop. That might stir some participants’ feeling like south-wind, but I’m sure it’d be fun. I look forward to it.

Midori Shinye

Calligraphy instructor
 薫風自南来」の棒読みは“くんぷうじなんらい”で、漢字から想像できるように爽やかな新緑の香りを含んだ心地良い南からの風を詠っているのだと直訳できますが実はお茶席の禅語だそうです。一休禅師書の掛け軸を拝見しましたら太く立派な「薫」から始まり「自」を掠れた感じで流して「南」と「来」を「薫」と同じ位の大きさでまとめてありました。「薫」と「風」はその季節の雰囲気を感じさせてくれる大変印象的な漢字ですね。「薫風自南来」は恐らく5月頃から茶室で見られるのではないかと思います。 まだまだ南風を感じる日まで時間が掛かりそうですが、そんな中プケプシーギャラリアのコミュニティールームでの今年2回目の習字ワークショップに6名のメンバーに参加頂きました。皆さんいつもの様に独自で選ばれた字体を練習されましたが、次回は一つか二つ言葉を選んで全員で書いてみるのも良いかもしれません。参加者の中には南風が乱す様に動揺される方もいるかもしれませんが楽しいと思います。楽しみにしています。 新江 緑 習字インストラクター 
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