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Event Album: 2019 Year End Luncheon: 12/01/2019
Event Note

 The year-end party for 2019 was held with as many as 34 participants, even though the original scheduled date was postponed by one week due to bad weather.

Packing bento lunch boxes and preparing the table setups were done with everyone's cooperation and were completed without trouble. The event started 15 minutes behind the scheduled time because everyone were joyfully talking, catching up their beings.
Everyone seemed enjoyed Japanese style lunch one bite after another bite.

Six mugs of fir tree arrangement were placed on the tables to enhance the mood of the holiday season. These arrangements were later auctioned off as MHJCA fund raising purpose. The slide show was exhibited during the event, and we were able to get a glimpse of 2019 events.

Natural food goods and Japanese foods were sold at the mini-market.

Yuriko Tanaka-Jones
 悪天候により予定されていた日が一週間延びたにも関わらず、34名もの参加者で2019年度忘年会が開催されました。 ランチボックスを詰めたりテーブルの準備は毎年の事で、慣れた手つきで直ぐに終わりましたが、久しぶりの再会の為か、皆のお喋りで予定時間より15分ほど遅れ始まり、皆揃って「いただきま~す」と和食ランチを一口一口味わいました。 テーブルにはマグカップもみの木アレンジメントが置かれ、年末の気分を引き立てました。6個のアレンジメントは会のファンドレイジング用にオークションされ、完売。恒例のスライドショーが開催中に流され、一年の行事を垣間見る事も出来ました。 ミニマーケットは自然食品と日本食品の販売でした。 田中・ジョーンズ 由利子 
Last updated 10/1/2022 Copyright 2006 - 2022  Mid Hudson Japanese Community Association. All rights reserved.
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