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Event Album: Special KIRI-MOCHI sale: 12/27/2020
Event Note

 On Sunday, December 27, MHJCA held a "kirimochi" (cut mochi) sale in the parking area of Welcome Oriental Grocery (more familiarly known as TenTen) in Poughkeepsie.

COVID-19 forced the cancellation of almost all MHJCA's planned events for 2020, including our popular year-end luncheon. At the end of September, MHJCA board members came up with the idea of having this kirimochi event as a way for members to purchase some homemade mochi.

In the beginning, we encountered a few obstacles. There was difficulty getting the sweet rice needed for making mochi and securing an event location was almost impossible. Many businesses could not offer us a permit. But then the owner of TenTen kindly offered his parking area to use as a socially-distanced meeting point where MHJCA members could safely pick up their kirimochi.

We were blessed with clear weather on the day and within an hour, were able to serve all 14 members who had placed orders.

It was a relief to see those members in good health from distanced car windows. We, the board volunteers, were delighted.

We hope 2021 will be a brighter year and eagerly wait for the day when we can safely meet again.

From all of the MHJCA board members

Translation by Yoko Izu
 12月27日(日)、ポケプシーの天天オリエンタル グローサリーストアー駐車場にて、切り餅販売がが行われました。 2020年はCovid19のため、予定されていたイベントもキャンセルが続き、皆様と会う機会もままなりませんでした。 役員たちが切り餅販売の企画を立てましたのが9月末のことです。餅米の入手の困難さに加え、販売場所の確保が大変で、 ほとんどに場所で許可が出ませんでした。ようやく天天のオーナーの方のご好意により駐車場をお借りすることができたわけです。 天候にも恵まれ、午後1時からほぼ1時間の間に申込者14人に切り餅を手渡すことができました。 久しぶりに皆さまのお元気な姿を拝見し、役員一同、企画の苦労も飛び、心から嬉しく思いました。 2021年が少しでも明るい年であることを願うと共に、1日も早く皆さまと集える日が来ますことを切に願っております。 MHJCA 役員一同 
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