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Photo taken by: Midori Shinye
Event Description

Kitsuke Workshop - 7/9

Wearing Kimono can’t be that difficult yet doing it right definitely is. After all, it was the daily outfit for all women in Japan in old days. So why the neck line wouldn’t stay in right place…? The Obi-belt may become loosen and, worst case scenario, it could fall, literally. So, that is why we have Kitsuke (Kimono wearing technique) workshop for us to practice, again and again. Thanks to Chikako-san the Instructor who never gives up on us, all of whom, including myself, haven’t been able to master the technique quite yet. I still have to put a Kitsuke technique book right in front of me every time wearing a Kimono, from the very beginning with where exact the height and how many twist a Himo-tie should be to the end with how much the Obiage-scalf should be shown from top of the Obi. Yet, a bucket of sweat later the finish was a disaster, most of the time anyway.
With the 8 participants including a young new member the workshop started at 12:00 at Poughkeepsie Galleria community room. Everyone may think it’d be just the Obi-tie is the only thing they should know how to do correctly, but that’s not true. In order to wear Kimono perfectly, not just for the looks but so it would stay the way should be until the end of the day, all of the items are equally important. It reminds me of when making a pastry. I was told you’d most likely fail if you didn’t follow exactly the way written in the recipe. So, everyone patiently followed the Chikako-san’s instruction. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to take a photo of the finish all together. There will be, however, another workshop planned in August when I’m sure we’d see the result with some improvement.
Midori Shinye
Project coordinator
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