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Photo taken by: Masashi Miyake
Event Description

2017 Fall Gathering

The weather is unpredictable and we learned that was certainly true today… As it was our primary concern since it would change all plans we had for Nodate tea ceremony outside in the backyard at the Mori’s residence, we were extremely happy to have such a perfect weather including rather warm temperature for a late October day. The center of the Nodate, besides the tea serving, was the Japanese Maple tree there. It was far from perfect autumn-red yet it had added traditional-Japanese-backyard atmosphere.

“Chabako (tea box)” was originally created by the 11th Urasenke master Gengen-sai in 1857 (“Kaei-YR” 7), probably with the idea of easy traveling container for tea serving utensils to bring to the field or even for a trip. Later added more variety styles/forms by the 14th master Tantan-sai, such as Shikishi-date and Wakei-date. Chabako is unique to Urasenke and now there are 6 kinds of forms written. Japanese people in old days had certainly done with so much effort just to enjoy “tea”, and it was confirmed that it indeed was absolutely suitable for such a beautiful Nodate day.

Participating potluck with homemade food is always fun. Doesn’t matter what country you go, sharing food is the best way to get to know each other and make new friends. Guests also enjoyed mini-market where they bought pretty Japanese plates, groceries and veggies in extremely reasonable price. There was an interesting sight that 4 Japanese men lined up eagerly to buy packaged cooked eel, something I thought may be good subject to write a Tanka but couldn’t come up with any. At least Miyake-san took a photo of them, hopefully it had caught some moment.

Thanks to Mori-san’s couple, Chikako-san and Toyoo-san, for their wonderful hospitality spirit with which they had opened up their artistically decorated house for today’s event. Many thanks also goes to Atsuko-san and Miyake-san, as well as Taeko-san, the main server, for taking a lead to prepare for the tea ceremony.
After all, having a relaxed time with a cup of Matcha tea in such a beautiful backyard is something luxury in these days, isn’t it?…
Midori Shinye
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