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Photo taken by: Midori Shinye
Event Description

Calligraphy Workshop #3

The end of year is not necessarily just meant to be the closing time. Instead, it is also the time for your preparation to face toward the next year. So, while you write on a calligraphy paper something you want to remind yourself as the “closing” of the passing year, you would at the same time want to encourage yourself to keep going - getting ready to establish a new goal for a New Year.

Today, as the Tanka instructor, Chikako-san, gave me an idea, we encouraged all the workshop participants, of the Calligraphy and Tanka, to display each work at the upcoming Year-end Luncheon. And I suggested some of the members who also studied Tanka to finish their poem in calligraphy writing on a Shikishi (square heavy matted Washi paper) as it’d look very formal and sophisticated. Others wrote letters obviously what they had in their mind to celebrate finishing the year 2017.

By leading this workshop for years for now I simply hope the tradition of beautiful Japanese calligraphy would be taught forever - “Mukyoku-Densho”.

Midori Shinye

Calligraphy Instructor
Last updated 10/1/2022 Copyright 2006 - 2022  Mid Hudson Japanese Community Association. All rights reserved.
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