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Photo taken by: Toyoo Mori
Event Description

Spring Luncheon

A day before the Mother’s Day is hard to get together with everyone. But you may find attending our Spring Gathering was good idea just because the organizer, Chikako-san, always brought pots of flowers or something suitable for Mother’s Day gifts. So, this year, there were several containers of flowers and herbs beautifully planted. The funds from sale were again donated to MHJCA, for that we sincerely appreciate her kindness and generosity. During luncheon, Atsuko-san gave us an information of Health Care Proxy which we believe very useful to know. Thanks to Atsuko-san for that, too.
Since it’s hard to find decent restaurant within affordable budget for our group, maybe we should try something completely different next year. I hope someone would come up with unique idea by next time we get together.
Midori Shinye
Last updated 10/1/2022 Copyright 2006 - 2022  Mid Hudson Japanese Community Association. All rights reserved.
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