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Photo taken by: Toyoo Mori
Event Description

Tanka Workshop #1

The first "Tanka Workshop" in 2019 was held at the instructor's house in late March while sense of early spring was seen on trace of snow remained on ground.

Regularly attended members, new member as a couple joined us from afar, and a career Tanka soloist also came from New York City. The workshop was in full swing!

This workshop marked its 10th anniversary this year, and everyone became wholesome soloist. Some said that “My life has become pleasurable since I started Tanka”. It is more than anything for the instructor to know that members are taken pleasure in Tanka. I would like to continue to cherish Tanka together hereafter.

During post workshop tea time, a beautiful self –published Tanka poem-collection "Futataba No Suisen" was given out to everyone from Ms. Etsuko Dunber who traveled from New York City. Remarkable Tanka workshop ended while everyone was thrilled by the surprise gift. Thank you Ms. Etsuko.

Chikako Mori (translated by ytj)
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