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Photo taken by: Keiko Wright
Event Description

Holy Trinity School visit

Every year, the Holy Trinity’s Jodi-sensei’s class brings us new faces with new and more difficult questions about Japan, some of which we usually don’t expect from 3rd graders.

Among many famous Haiku (traditional Japanese short poem) poets, Basho seems their favorite, or probably most recommended by educators. Interesting thing is that they seem focusing more on the poet himself or his life than his poem - the meaning in the contents. It is, however, understandable it could be a little too much for the 3rd graders to understand - such as why it is significant for the poet to write his impression on a sound of water splashing when a tiny frog jumped into it. That is, I think, the uniqueness of Japanese culture, and that is how and what people in Japan had described as a beauty in nature in old days. You will find it still beautiful now, however, only if you had a patience, peace in your mind, time and the very environment, and that is, unfortunately, hard to have all together in these days. I’m hoping one day and someone from Holy Trinity’s 3rd grade class will experience the moment in the future, and that will be when he/she may understand the Basho’s Haiku.

Since there are so many sources available everywhere in these days and it is very easy to access to find the information online, I realize that we cannot rely only on our memories but they also have to be updated frequently. Very often, these kids know more, and we learn from them. And, regretfully, I gave them a wrong information at the Q&A session about the end of Samurai period. So, I later sent Jodi-sensei the correct information I found online. So, I’ve learned as well.

Thanks to our volunteers, as always. We look forward to coming back next year, again.

Midori Shinye

Team leader
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