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Photo taken by: Toyoo Mori
Event Description

Culture Mini-Workshop

This was our first time trial of culture mini-workshop open to public. It was meant to introduce our various programs not only to the general public but also for our members who hadn’t had a chance to participate our program. It was also a great opportunity for our volunteers to practice together. We had Origami, Kimono wearing, Calligraphy and Ikebana Flower Arrangement tables for participants to try each and any program, and they could watch Tea Ceremony demonstration while tasting Matcha tea and dessert.

We realize that this mini-workshop is an excellent idea in all aspects. Unfortunately, though, there wasn’t many people came as we hoped, most likely due to lack of advertisement. While we learned from this trial, we wish to do the mini-workshop again next year.

I would sincerely like to thank to all the volunteers who helped today’s event. It is always great to see members working together to accomplish something for the same goal – to support to keep Japanese culture among local community and new generations.

Last, I would like to give a big praise to Keiko-san for her not only having completed 5 months training session but also taken a challenge for a debut demonstration of Bonryaku-demae as a server at the Tea Ceremony. The determination and dedication are very important and necessary, especially to keep hundreds years old culture in foreign country like what we do here. Great job, and thank you, Keiko-san!

And, thank you all.

Midori Shinye

Project leader
Last updated 10/1/2022 Copyright 2006 - 2022  Mid Hudson Japanese Community Association. All rights reserved.
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