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Photo taken by: Toyoo Mori
Event Description

Tanka Workshop #2 by email

Six months have passed already since the Covid-19 pandemic hit the nation, yet there is still no sign of resolution.

The summer 2020 Tanka Workshop was held during the pandemic crisis on July 19th by using email. We did the same the last workshop.

The title was given as “MICHI", Road/Way/Path/Distance/Trail. I felt it is a perfect time to think about past and future while we are encouraged to stay at home.

Did you notice that there are various “MICHI?”. “MICHI" that you can see, "MICHI' that you feel, "MICHI' that certainly invisible but there, “MICHI' that is given, "MICHI' that opens up, “MICHI” to reach somewhere in Japan, and "MICHI" for land readjustment, and so on.

Assignment was given as usual to build at least two tanka poems by referencing the title, and up to eight total, including not title related tanka poems.
After reviewing and revising received tanka poems, all of them were put together in a printed booklet. then the booklet were mailed to each tanka poets.

It is my pleasure to report that everyone built tanka poems wonderfully well. Nonetheless, I was pleased to learn that everyone seemed to be physically and mentally healthy in a midst of pandemic.

In addition, I have put hanamaru mark on two tanka poems for future reference. Please continue to enjoy constructing tanka regularly.

Mori Chikako
Tanka Instructor
Translation done by Yuriko Tanaka-Jones
Last updated 10/1/2022 Copyright 2006 - 2022  Mid Hudson Japanese Community Association. All rights reserved.
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