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Photo taken by: Toyoo Mori
Event Description

Tanka Workshop #3 by email

As same as previous times, It was held by e-mails on November 15th 2020 .

In spite of during the Coronavirus Pandemic, all the members had participated, and this had given the Workshop maximum power by members.

The theme of poem was "MI" in Hiragana and "MI or JITU" in Chinese character that stand for truth, reality, fruit, nut, true feeling, absolute truth, honest, and steady.

I was indeed delighted to find out how the members were feeling toward one's past, one's present as well as future.

I am looking forward to gather together with each one of you as we have in the past.
Please stay healthy and spend peaceful days till we can meet again.

Mori Chikako
Tanka Workshop Instructor

Translated by Tomiko Morimoto West
Last updated 10/1/2022 Copyright 2006 - 2022  Mid Hudson Japanese Community Association. All rights reserved.
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