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Photo taken by: Yoko Izu
Event Description

Ikebana Workshop #4

On Sunday, September 25, we had our final Ikebana workshop of the year. For this class, we were encouraged to go freestyle with our arrangements as Taeko-san stood by ready to help and give feedback. We were all eager to start and very quickly became immersed in arranging our flowers.

With the freedom to get creative, people brought everything from small baskets and flat-bottomed containers to double-tiered bamboo vessels and a large rock that became an essential component of an arrangement. The flowers were noticeably more autumnal as we embraced the new season and the cooler weather.

It was also wonderful to see the new friendships that formed over the months. With everyone so spread out, these Sunday afternoon sessions were the perfect way to get to know one another and catch up while learning Ikebana techniques.

We made sure to leave extra time at the end so we could have a mini “tea party” and enjoy the various goodies that we had all brought to share over good conversation. With delicious cookies, savory buns, a wonderful potato salad, and an impressive spread of futomaki, we all left cheerful and full. It was a lovely way to close out this workshop series and celebrate everyone’s hard work and dedication.

Thank you to everyone who attended these workshops throughout the summer! And finally, a sincere thank you to Taeko-san for sharing her expertise and helping us all improve our Ikebana skills and knowledge.

We look forward to picking this up again in the spring when the flowers are back in bloom!

Yoko Izu
Last updated 10/1/2022 Copyright 2006 - 2022  Mid Hudson Japanese Community Association. All rights reserved.
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