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Photo taken by: Yoko Izu
Event Description

September Open ChatMHJCA

ChatMHJCA No. 4 September 28, 2023

After missing two months, the September ChatMHJCA was joined by four members.
Among casual free talk, some information came to our attention. Apparently a naturalized US citizen, who had a Japanese passport, managed to restore her Japanese citizenship and went back to Japan to retire. Isn't that beyond belief?

On another topic, we talked about offering a hybrid event from the Galleria community room so members can join either in person or by Zoom. A workshop could be held to learn a technique (e.g. using 5G smartphones and laptops, tethering devices, how to be a Zoom host, setting up a TV connection in a room) but we would also need more volunteers for such events. All help would be welcome.

Someone asked about the naming of ChatMHJCA, and we shared our opinions over the future of AI roles and possibilities. ChatMHJCA was meant not to be an AI tool but full of human interaction, just like the old days!

We also listened to a case of poor customer service at a major US bank. A casual consumer report!

ChatMHJCA will send a survey regarding a favorable time of day and day of week for future Zoom times. This initial selection of time (the 4th Thursday of every month at 8 pm) was a good choice for our busy, young working members. But so far, we haven't seen any of those members attend. So for the regular elderly participants, the time is too late. We may bring it to the early afternoon, or even in the morning. Also, it was advised to set a subject in advance so the chat can be more focused.

Meanwhile, the next ChatMHJCA will be held on October 26, 8 pm.
And please tune in to the MHJCA emails from our Nomination/Election Committee Chair, Mr. Hirofumi Hirano. These are particularly important for the future of MHJCA.

See you then.

Masashi Miyake
Last updated 10/1/2022 Copyright 2006 - 2022  Mid Hudson Japanese Community Association. All rights reserved.
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